Специально для вас выделила сколько в цифрах в Ответ #1752, гляньте еще раз.
Выгода то в чем? Я не поняла, в чем Вы увидели выгоду, в чем была выгода быть и упорно оставаться матерью-одиночкой?
Сама постановка вопроса о выгоде цинична и аморальна по отношению к женщине.
Ну, и попутно, про "выгоду". "Выгоду по Г. Сазоновой". Конечно , на своем собственном сайте, собрав со всего Интернета все лучшее, что есть по теме Перевала, она может нести любую околесицу. Никто запретить не может. Для того сайт и создан - для рекламы Г.Сазоновой и ее демагогических, не имеющих ничего общего с реальностью выкладок. Одну из которыхь Вы соизволили тут повторить - про якобы "выгоду Тамары".
What am I getting at:
The rejection of the child threatened Tamara to be condemned by the society. And very strong condemnation that is that could end up with dismissal from work. That didn't happen. She had to have a "storefront" story for neighbors and colleagues.
The legal moment. Not only that she gave up the child, but she had to make out a number of legal documents - to write him out from the room, from the kindergarten, from the children's polyclinic, and so on. And everywhere give some reason why she does it. It was all controlled very strictly at the time.
If she gave him up to an orphanage and relinquish her rights of a parent - the (condemning) information had to be sent to her place of work and there she had to be reproved at meetings of the work collective and, as a rule, became immediately known to the whole community. And there was always a woman nearby who couldn't have a child or husband.
But then the child could be quickly adopted.
If she didn't relinquish her rights of a parent, but simply abandoned the child somewhere, then this child was transferred to an orphanage, but was listed as "lost". There was a search for parents and it could last a lifetime, until the child grew up. Such children were kept in the orphanage, they could not be given up for adoption because orphanhood was not confirmed and there was no relinquishment of the rights from the parents.
The most realistic option to bypass all legal and social difficulties, was to give the child to be brought up in the village to some relatives. It was allowed, because life was really hard.
But the thing is that if she gave Sasha to Semyon's mom or Semyon himself - it was impossible to live in one small village and not meet with her son. So Sasha was clearly taken from Lermontovo. And Tamara did not know where, if she was looking for him.
Иметь 2- детей это же "выгоднее, чем иметь одного? Ровно на 50 рублей в месяц .Не так ли? Зачем же избавляться от второго, "подложив его на крыльцо матери Семена":
The eldest daughter remembers the moment when all in tears, Tamara carried Sasha. He was about a year old. She put him on the porch of a house, and hid the girl in bushes so that she would be on the look out Sasha not to fall from the porch or crawl away. The door opened, Sasha was taken. It was a private house. The daughter is sure that it was Semyon's house and that the door was opened by Semyon's mother.
Before this happened, Tamara and Semyon quarreled and he left.
Замечу, приведенные на анг.языке тексты - это рассказ гражданки Сазоновой от первого лица! Потому что в конце следует душераздирающий пассаж:
Off topic. Next day after the exhumation I was alone in the cemetery. The sun was shining, although it was cold. I went to church, put a candle for Semyon, and, waiting for the car, just walked along the paths. I heard a bell ringing. Maybe I went crazy (not every day digging up graves), but suddenly I realized that I had to find Semyon's son and make him come to the grave of his father. Semyon needs this, he is asking for it. It was like a bright explosion in the brain. I will finish this and leave the topic.
There are many theories about Semyon. It so happened that no one knows about him as much as I do. He was a complicated man with a very uneasy fate, but at the same time I have a strong feeling that he was an extremely decent and good person. I can talk indefinitely about Semyon, perhaps enough is enough.
https://dyatlovpass.com/semyon-zolotaryov?lid=1#sasha А теперь я дала Вам в руки источник, раскрывающий все "выгоды".
Надеюсь, Вы поняли, что быть матерью одиночкой - это тяжелая ноша и никакой "выгоды"?
И что отдавать своими руками своего полугодовалого ребенка в чужие руки не имело никакого смысла, когда Государство гарантировало матери:
4. Если одинокая мать пожелает поместить в детское учреждение рожденного ею ребенка на воспитание, детское учреждение обязано принять ребенка на содержание и воспитание полностью за государственный счет.
Мать ребенка имеет право взять обратно своего ребенка из детского учреждения на свое воспитание. Да. И еще. Никакой В.И. Золотаревой в 1956 году поблизости от Тамары и Саши не было и в помине. Вчера выяснили, спасибо Vasya.
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