Полагаю, Лиссан знала прекрасно возможности своего личного аппарата, тенденцию разрядки, когда процент гораздо ниже половины – это каждый знает о своём аппарате. На сколько бы хватило её телефона? Не знаю, пять-десять или пятнадцать минут поиска связи с отправленной смс в зоне, где связи нет.
У нас есть
данные с Imperfect plan:
1 апреля
Galaxy S3 had 49% at 11:40.
The Galaxy S3 accessed Google Maps.
“112” was dialed from the Galaxy S3.
2 апреля
The Galaxy S3 was powered on, “112” was dialed and the phone powered off.
The Galaxy S3 was powered on, at 10:53 “112” and “911” was dialed and the phone powered off.
The Galaxy S3 was powered on and powered off.
The Galaxy S3 was powered on and left on. The phone was then powered during the night.
3 апреля
2:21 – 2:47
The Galaxy S3 had been continuously on since 02 April at 16:19. It appears as if the phone was not actively used and only left on. It is not clear if this was an oversight that depleted the battery or if it was done on purpose.
Weather application used
Applications of the Android OS were used but it is not known which ones
The battery had depleted to 1% and the phone was most likely turned off at this time or shortly after.
4 апреля
The Galaxy S3 was turned on and turned off.
The Galaxy S3 was turned on and turned off. The battery was at 0%. This was the last time the Galaxy S3 booted up.
5 апреля
There is a logfile created on the Galaxy S3 which is only possible if the phone had power. However, it did not power up and the conclusion by the author is that the battery had just enough power to start the phone’s boot process, but it shut down from a lack of power before having booted up.
10 апреля
There is a logfile created on the Galaxy S3 which is only possible if the phone had power. However, it did not boot up completely and the conclusion by the author is that the battery had just enough power to start the phone’s boot process but it shut down from a lack of power before having fully booted up.
2-3 апреля самсунг пользовали активно с оставлением включенным на ночь и ковырянии в приложениях, 4-го он разрядился, а потом 5-го и 10-го его еще пытались включить.
Про второе, про возможность перемещаться, - для меня это очень большой вопрос. Именно в том, с какого момента они не перемещались (в силу травм, истощения и т.д.)
Прием сигнала вроде бы может зависеть от погоды, хотя, может, быть это миф.