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Автор Тема: JakeDuddey's questions  (Прочитано 14809 раз)

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  • Был 24.02.19 00:16

JakeDuddey's questions
« : 15.10.14 10:29 »
 Anybody Have Any Suggestion's On Exhuming The Hiker's. I Am Friends With The Sister Of The Hiker Rustem Slobodina? Her name is Lyudmila Slobodina Morgunova. She Has told me that she would like To have him exhumed to find The Truth Any Suggestion's?

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  • Была 07.06.24 23:06

JakeDuddey's questions
« Ответ #1 : 15.10.14 10:34 »
ого.. %-)
А сама Людмила может выйти на сайт?


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  • Был 31.05.17 14:19

JakeDuddey's questions
« Ответ #2 : 15.10.14 10:40 »
ого.. %-)
А сама Людмила может выйти на сайт?
Уважаемы форумчане! Джэйк плохо знает русский, поэтому просьба задавать ему вопросы и отвечать на английском :)


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JakeDuddey's questions
« Ответ #3 : 15.10.14 10:48 »
Уважаемы форумчане! Джэйк плохо знает русский, поэтому просьба задавать ему вопросы и отвечать на английском :)
Что-то и английский его какой-то странноватый...

Поблагодарили за сообщение: sol | ZhDVshnik


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  • Был 24.02.19 00:16

JakeDuddey's questions
« Ответ #4 : 15.10.14 10:51 »
Gulia70, With The Technology We Have Today? Why Couldn't it Be Done?

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  • Была 07.06.24 23:06

JakeDuddey's questions
« Ответ #5 : 15.10.14 11:06 »
JakeDuddey, это сложный вопрос, требующий большой юридической работы.
мы это уже обсуждали.


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  • Был 24.02.19 00:16

JakeDuddey's questions
« Ответ #6 : 15.10.14 11:22 »
But I Didn't Know, But if She is the Sole Relative With Her Brother Berese What Would She Need to Do? Next Year in 2015. I Am Publishing A Book About Group Dyatlova? I Have Worked 2 and  Half Year's on it? And Have Dedicated the Last 3 Year's of My Life to this Mystery? The Same as everybody else. On this Dedicated Website/ All I Wan't is Justice As I Have Said like Everybody Else? But in My Book. There Are 2 Interview's that I Have Done With Her. There is Over 50 Question's I Have Asked Her?


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  • Был 24.02.19 00:16

JakeDuddey's questions
« Ответ #7 : 15.10.14 11:46 »
In My Book I Create A Whole Chapter Dedicated to this Question? Could Any Tell me What They Think?


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  • Была 05.10.15 19:18

JakeDuddey's questions
« Ответ #8 : 15.10.14 13:20 »
In My Book I Create A Whole Chapter Dedicated to this Question? Could Any Tell me What They Think?
Blame all over England and America with their network intelligence and secty better write about who is using the myths that killed the presidents Americanspirit curse indicate the USSR collapsed,and Dyatlova ubico enriched at the expense of the us and the USSR collapsed.
"Empire of evil". Evil empire) - literary expression, which has become a political cliché by U.S. President Ronald Reagan. In his speech before the National Association of evangelicals USA Florida March 8, 1983, Reagan called the Soviet Union an "evil Empire" (as well as the "center of Evil in the modern world"), insisting on the fundamental immorality of the Soviet regime and for this reason, the impossibility of moral adjustment of the USSR to the USA.. This characteristic, degrading the Soviet Union and annoying its leaders, it was a rhetorical reflection of the "cold war". The Agency TASS in this regard, said that "the Reagan administration is able to think only in terms of confrontation and aggressive, mindless anti-communism".

Some sources claim that the author of the expression was speechwriter to President Anthony R. Dolan.

Добавлено позже:
Starting with the first knee - William Henry Harrison (appointed by the Governor in 1800, selected from the Indians about 12 000 km2 of land under contract in Fort Wayne in 1809, inflicted a decisive defeat of the Indians at Tippecanoe in 1811, was elected President in 1840, died in 1841, one month after his inauguration) - all except the last two U.S. presidents, elected or re-elected a year evenly divisible by 20, died in office (his death by an assassin's bullet). Legend connects this curse with Tecumseh.

The second knee - Abraham Lincoln, elected in 1860, re-elected in 1864, killed in 1865;
The third knee - James Garfield, elected in 1880, assassinated in 1881;
Fourth knee - William McKinley, elected in 1900, assassinated in 1901;
Fifth knee - Warren G. Harding, elected in 1920, died in 1923;
Sixth knee - Franklin D. Roosevelt, elected in 1932, was reelected in 1936, 1940 and 1944, died in 1945;
Seventh knee - John F. Kennedy, elected in 1960, was killed in 1963.
(The curse of Tecumseh, according to some sources, is valid until the seventh generation. According to the theory of the seventh generation this murder was the last place in the following cases his feeble strength was not enough to kill).

The first pattern was broken by Ronald Reagan (eighth knee), elected in 1980, survived an assassination attempt in 1981 and safely left office in 1989, and wound R. Reagan (affected lung) in the mid-nineteenth century was fatal.
As Reagan walked curse?Yes prostock evangelists went and I guess the deal was concluded.
« Последнее редактирование: 15.10.14 14:22 »

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  • Была 16.08.24 07:31

JakeDuddey's questions
« Ответ #9 : 15.10.14 14:26 »
Could Any Tell me What They Think?
Who knows? Why nobody also didn't see? Who did found bodies? When? No answers.
 Maria Solter was a very old women with memory's problems.
« Последнее редактирование: 15.10.14 14:32 »


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  • Была 05.10.15 19:18

JakeDuddey's questions
« Ответ #10 : 15.10.14 15:22 »
May at the same time missing two of the repressed people and rumors,and she heard,gave avicenneaceae byways someone ran on the sly and now lives under an assumed name.

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  • Была 17.05.20 07:59

JakeDuddey's questions
« Ответ #11 : 15.10.14 18:37 »
Оффтоп (текст не по теме)
Камрады, "Brother Berese" как переводится?
Профиль разлогинен.

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JakeDuddey's questions
« Ответ #12 : 15.10.14 19:36 »
Excuse me, Jake (can I call You like this?): so many grammar mistakes in Your comments - are they made  intentionally? It looks a little bit strange for the Author, who has been writing his Book for more than two Years already.
Or, it's so called the Author's style?

With best wishes,
« Последнее редактирование: 16.10.14 10:51 »

Поблагодарили за сообщение: sol

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  • Была 23.05.20 11:05

JakeDuddey's questions
« Ответ #13 : 15.10.14 20:54 »
Комментарий модератора
Обе темы JakeDuddey объединены в одну. Наш форум в основном русскоязычный, и, думаю, одной темы для вопросов на английском языке будет достаточно, тем более, что эти вопросы уже не раз обсуждались. Без обид.

Both JakeDuddey's topics were combined into one. Our forum is mostly Russian-speaking, and I think that one topic for questions in English will be enough, moreover most of questionss have been already discussed here. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Иллюзии это то, чего нет. Уже? Или еще?


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  • Была 05.10.15 19:18

JakeDuddey's questions
« Ответ #14 : 15.10.14 22:45 »
Уважаемы форумчане! Джэйк плохо знает русский, поэтому просьба задавать ему вопросы и отвечать на английском
А переводчиком пользоваться не пробовал или его не учили?Лучше одному переводить,чем всем под него подстраиваться."Пришел ты в дом хромых,старайся быть хромым""Со своими молитвами в чужой монастырь не ходят".Это пренебрежение к другим.

Добавлено позже:
Dear friends! Jake does not know English, so please ask questions and answer in English
And translator to use did not try or did not teach it?Better one to translate than all must play their game."You come home lame,try to be lame""With their prayers in a strange monastery't go This disregard for others.
« Последнее редактирование: 15.10.14 22:47 »

Поблагодарили за сообщение: Нэнси


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  • Был 24.02.19 00:16

JakeDuddey's questions
« Ответ #15 : 16.10.14 02:01 »
Dear Robinson, I am writing A Certain Way. My Book is Already Edited? So There will be nothing to worry about. When I Am Typing Fast or in a Hurry it's a Habit? Plus Everybody Does there Own Way? Everybody is The Same. Nobody is Perfect?

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А зачем вопросы там, где они не нужны? А писать каждое слово с большой буквы - это чтоб весомее было? В Вашей книге так же?
И да, коль уж вы на форуме, основным языком которого является русский, уж хоть с Гуглом-переводчиком можно было сориентироваться. Гугл переводит коряво, но не корявее чем Ваш английский.

Интересно какой язык является вашим родным языком. Явно не английский.

Добавлено позже:
Ok, I thought this is supposed to be a Community where people are supposed to be talking about  Group Dyatlova. Not to pick on the new guy.

Добавлено позже:

Добавлено позже:
Anybody Have Any Suggestion's On Exhuming The Hiker's. I Am Friends With The Sister Of The Hiker Rustem Slobodina? Her name is Lyudmila Slobodina Morgunova. She Has told me that she would like To have him exhumed to find The Truth Any Suggestion's?

Добавлено позже:
Dear Robinson, I am writing A Certain Way. My Book is Already Edited? So There will be nothing to worry about. When I Am Typing Fast or in a Hurry it's a Habit? Plus Everybody Does there Own Way? Everybody is The Same. Nobody is Perfect?

Добавлено позже:
Добавлено позже:
Ok, I thought this is supposed to be a Community where people are supposed to be talking about  Group Dyatlova. Not to pick on the new guy.

Добавлено позже:

Добавлено позже:
« Последнее редактирование: 16.10.14 03:05 »

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JakeDuddey's questions
« Ответ #16 : 16.10.14 07:37 »
Камрады, "Brother Berese" как переводится?
Предполагаю, что исковерканное "брат Борис"(Boris brother).
"Berese" похоже на "бересу".  :) А Вы про что подумали?
« Последнее редактирование: 16.10.14 07:38 »
Все не только не так просто, но и просто не так.(с)

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  • Была 17.05.20 07:59

JakeDuddey's questions
« Ответ #17 : 16.10.14 10:42 »
Предполагаю, что исковерканное "брат Борис"(Boris brother).
"Berese" похоже на "бересу".  :) А Вы про что подумали?
Вот-вот :)
Профиль разлогинен.

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  • Была 17.05.20 07:59

JakeDuddey's questions
« Ответ #18 : 16.10.14 10:44 »
Некоторые сообщения были перенесены в другую тему »
Уважаемые форумчане, здесь прошу автора не обсуждать, ему и так трудно с переводом, да и пришел он сюда с конкретными целями - получить ответы на свои вопросы, а не услышать подозрения в свой адрес.
Профиль разлогинен.


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  • Был 12.11.14 16:32

JakeDuddey's questions
« Ответ #19 : 16.10.14 11:10 »
     А может сразу на мансийском, чо подозреваемых обделять? Или это междуусобчик владеющих англицким? Все люди на Земле должны знать этот язык? Его трудности знания русского - остаются трудностями самого автора вопроса.  Гуд бай.


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  • Был 31.05.17 14:19

JakeDuddey's questions
« Ответ #20 : 16.10.14 12:44 »
Подразумевалось так: Джэйк задает интересующие его вопросы на английском; люди, владеющие этим языком достаточно хорошо, ему по возможности отвечают. Некая аналогия с темой УБИЙСТВО, где попросили НЕ сторонников этой версии не высказываться.


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JakeDuddey's questions
« Ответ #21 : 16.10.14 12:55 »
Подразумевалось так: Джэйк задает интересующие его вопросы на английском; люди, владеющие этим языком достаточно хорошо, ему по возможности отвечают. Некая аналогия с темой УБИЙСТВО, где попросили НЕ сторонников этой версии не высказываться.
Just to be sure, that I've got your idea right:
 - Mr. Duddey types something,
 - Moderators corrrect his postings and
 - Other participants answer (if possible) questions pre-filtered (prepared) by Moderators?

Do we have any feedback and/or agreement with Moderators about this procedure?

If yes, the answer to the first question is the following:
 - No suggestion, since exhumation is not allowed at the moment and will not be allowed in nearest future  according Russian lows.


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  • Была 05.10.15 19:18

JakeDuddey's questions
« Ответ #22 : 16.10.14 14:03 »
Just to be sure, that I've got your idea right:
you have a Scottish accent

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Сергей В.

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  • Был 22.09.24 00:18

JakeDuddey's questions
« Ответ #23 : 16.10.14 18:38 »
- No suggestion, since exhumation is not allowed at the moment and will not be allowed in nearest future  according Russian lows.
Ничего подобного, эксгумация вполне разрешена русским законодательством! Для этого администрации кладбища от имени родственников покойного подается заявление, лучше с визой муниципалитета и санитарного врача. Но теоретически можно и без них, если со времени захоронения, как у дятловцев, прошло более 20 лет. У родственников д.б. нотариально подтверждено родство. В сети можно при желании найти формы этого заявления. Эксгумация д.б. мотивирована, как правило указывают желание перезахоронить останки на другом кладбище.

Nothing of the kind,  exhumation is allowed Russian legislation! To do this, relatives of the deceased submit the application to the administration of the cemetery, better with visa of municipality and sanitary doctor. But it is theoretically possible, and without them, if from the time of disposal, like dyatlovtsev, has been more than 20 years. Relatives should be notarially confirmed this relationship. Online, you can, if desired, to find forms of this statement. Exhumation should be motivated, as example, by a desire to rebury the remains in another cemetery.
« Последнее редактирование: 16.10.14 18:42 »


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  • Был 24.02.19 00:16

JakeDuddey's questions
« Ответ #24 : 16.10.14 18:54 »

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« Получатель: Vietnamka, JakeDuddey  : сегодня в 11:24 »  Ответить всем

Hello Vietnamka, Yes I Am Just A Little Upset? I Was Bullied a Lot in School? Just Because I Am an American doesn't mean I Am Careless and Selfish Or I Think that As Many Believe American's Are. There Are Great American's? There Are Great and There Are mean everywhere all over This world. not just American's? As Everybody Believe's. It Brought up a Lot of Old Memories. But You know. I Have Never Had Any Problem's With Russian People. I Am Very Interested About your History,  I Respect your Language. And I Really Care About your Culture. I Have Never Actually Had a Problem With Anybody? That is the Truth. Everybody Is not the Same Remember This. Robinson, Laura, Genia and jack79 and the One From the Netherland's? I Believe and the Other's Who Where from Where Mean and Rude? You Don't Have to Like Me? But Show me Respect As I Would you. Well  Vietnamka, My Book is Called Beyond Belief or Beyond Comprehension. I Am Still Deciding What Title I Am Putting Fourth. But In my Book. I Put Fourth Every Single Theory and Letting the Reader Choose. What they Believe happened. By Seeing the Evidence, Putting Fourth Evidence, Theories and Speculation. For Me Though I Like to Ask the Question. Why Couldn't Any of the Theories Of Happened? Just Because We Can't See Something Doesn't Mean it isn't there. I Have a Very Opened Mind. But I Am Putting Fourth Every Theory that I Can Find At Least 30 Different Theories Which Include The Rocket, Mansi, Avalanche, Chemical, Biological, Miner's, Logger's, Infrasound, KGB, NKVD, American, Even a Chinese Theory? But that Also Includes The Other Theories. Like the Extraterrestrial, UFO, Menkvi Aka. Bigfoot, Golden Woman of Ugra, Spirit's, Yalpn Ui, Dwarf Beings, Plasma Ball, Hollow Earth and Even the Interdimensional Being Theories. These Are Just Some of the Theories. That I Have Put Forward. There At least 15 More Theories I Have to? But you Will Have to See in the Book. To me Man is Arrogant When he Dismisses Anything Or Everything that is So Called Bad Taboo? No Matter What Happened it is the Truth. I Am Searching For The Truth. It's All I Wan't. But I Wan't Justice For All 9 Possibly 11 Hiker's. That is if you Believe Nurse Maria S. Ivanovna? Which I Believe is A Creditable Eye Witness. But that is My Opinion? For Lyudmila Sobodina Morgunova. She Has Asked me to Ask you? the taina.li Site and Vk.com. She is a Wonderful Woman and Person. I Am Very Grateful to Have a Friend As Her. But She is a Very Private Person. That's Why She Asked me To Ask if Anybody Would Know How to Do This Exhumation. She Say's Yes Jake I Wouldn't Mind if We Ever Tried this Go and Ask The Websites for Help get their Opinion's Of what to do? She Said As Long As it get's us to the Truth That is All that I Ever Wanted? She Never Said Anything About Bringing. An American Team. Next Time I Contact Her ill Ask Her.? I Don't See Why A Team From America Couldn't Come? It's Just There Has to be a Way to Exhume. The Hiker's, Even One Would Do. Like Lyudmila's Brother Rustem Slobodina. We Could Find out New Thing's and Get Closer to the Truth? Thank's Sincerely Jake Duddey

P.S. In the End I Am Not Here to Profit Off of these Hiker's.I Just Wan't to Bring Justice to them? I Wanted to Even take Some of My Money From my Book to Create.A New Monument to the Hiker's. Making Statues of Each one of the Hiker's in Different Poses. As if they Where Alive Again? I Wan't to Do this Because When you Dedicate your life To Something for Over 3 Year's it Mean's Everything to Me. I Wan't Everybody to Know. Who these Great Hiker's Truly Where and What They
 Stood for. All Had Awesome Talent's, Feat's and Strength's. But in the End I Truly Wan't to Thank Maya piskareva Comrade your Alway's the Best Ever. I Appreciate you Taking up for me. Also Thank's Vietnamka for Apologizing. But in the End I Would Like to Make more Friend's on Here. So let's All Get Along. Everybody is On Here For 1 Reason. And that Is For All 9 Hiker's And their Families. Before I Go I Created a New Community on Vk.com If Anybody is Interested Can Become a Member? it's An Opened Community?


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Никанор Босой

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  • Был 08.10.24 07:37

JakeDuddey's questions
« Ответ #25 : 16.10.14 19:00 »
But I Am Putting Fourth Every Theory that I Can Find At Least 30 Different Theories Which Include The Rocket, Mansi, Avalanche, Chemical, Biological, Miner's, Logger's, Infrasound, KGB, NKVD, American, Even a Chinese Theory? But that Also Includes The Other Theories. Like the Extraterrestrial, UFO, Menkvi Aka. Bigfoot, Golden Woman of Ugra, Spirit's, Yalpn Ui, Dwarf Beings, Plasma Ball, Hollow Earth and Even the Interdimensional Being Theories.
They were killed by an irresistible force. So said Ivanov. И баста!

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JakeDuddey's questions
« Ответ #26 : 16.10.14 19:25 »
Или это междуусобчик владеющих англицким? Все люди на Земле должны знать этот язык?
можно воспользоваться   "переводчиком гугл"  https://translate.google.ru/

« Последнее редактирование: 16.10.14 19:28 »
Все не только не так просто, но и просто не так.(с)

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  • Была 23.05.20 11:05

JakeDuddey's questions
« Ответ #27 : 16.10.14 22:18 »
JakeDuddey, where did you find this photo?
I think it could be a screenshot from one of the movies with modern reconstruction of events 1959 . There were several movies like this with actors instead of real tourists.
The second photo on your VK wall is very famous, but it has nothing with the Dyatlov group. This is a photo of the victim frozen in Gulag: http://soviet.museumoncommunism.org/
« Последнее редактирование: 16.10.14 22:38 »
Иллюзии это то, чего нет. Уже? Или еще?


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  • Была 08.06.21 20:25

JakeDuddey's questions
« Ответ #28 : 16.10.14 22:30 »
JakeDuddey, where did you find this photo
I think it could be a screenshot from one of the movies with modern reconstruction of events 1959 . There were several movies like this with actors instead of real tourists.
Они даже внешне не похожи на дятловцев. Кадр из какого-нибудь фильма?


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  • Был 24.02.19 00:16

JakeDuddey's questions
« Ответ #29 : 17.10.14 00:15 »
JakeDuddey, where did you find this photo?
I think it could be a screenshot from one of the movies with modern reconstruction of events 1959 . There were several movies like this with actors instead of real tourists.
The second photo on your VK wall is very famous, but it has nothing with the Dyatlov group. This is a photo of the victim frozen in Gulag: http://soviet.museumoncommunism.org/
Thank's Alina, This Really Help's in Finding the Real and the Fakes?

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« Последнее редактирование: 17.10.14 06:32 »